Table Headers: National Objective, Buyout Implementation. Next Row: National Objective | LMI Housing; Buyout Implementation | Any assisted activity that involves acquisition of properties with another direct benefit (LMH activity) that results in occupancy and meets LMH national objective criteria. Grantee must verify that the household secures new housing and provides additional assistance to secure it (must be permanent housing). An example of a direct benefit might be providing down payment assistance. Next Row: National Objective | LMI Area Benefit; Buyout Implementation | If the buyout area and subsequent greenspace benefit all residents of an area that is primarily residential and 51 percent or more LMI persons. Grantee must define service area based on end use of property. Next Row: National Objective | LMI Clientele; Buyout Implementation | The activity is restricted only to LMI persons and benefits LMI sellers by acquiring the property for more than post-disaster value. Next Row: National Objective | LMI Safe Housing Incentives; Buyout Implementation | The activity is tied to the voluntary acquisition of housing (including buyouts) owned by a qualifying LMI household for which the incentive is made to induce a move outside of the affected floodplain or disaster risk reduction area to a lower-risk area or structure; or The activity is for the purpose of providing or improving residential structures that, upon completion, will be occupied by a qualifying LMI household and will be in a lower risk area. While recommended, the new housing is not required to be permanent housing. Next Row: National Objective | Urgent Need; Buyout Implementation | Buyout or Housing Incentive to households that are not at or below 80 percent AMI.