SECTION 3: Action Plan & Implementation

This section includes guidance on developing a CDBG-DR Action Plan in response to the Consolidated Notice, including steps to take when submitting the required pre-award submissions, the Implementation Plan, and the Public Action Plan. This section also moves into the Implementation phase of projects and activities, and includes relevant guidance on resilience planning and best practices when incorporating mitigation into long-term recovery.

Action Plan Development

Connection of Programs and Projects to Unmet Need

The action plan must provide a clear connection between a grantee’s impact and unmet needs assessment and its proposed use of funds in the MID areas. The proposed use of funds should demonstrate a reasonably proportionate allocation of resources relative to areas and categories of greatest need or provide an acceptable justification for a disproportional allocation.

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A Guide on How CDBG-DR Grantees Can Meet the Requirements of the Consolidated Notice