SECTION 2: Eligible Activities

This section describes the many categories of activities that may be assisted using CDBG-DR funds. It also discusses a number of ineligible activities that may not be assisted. Guidance is also provided on documenting compliance with the CDBG-DR Consolidated Notice.

Infrastructure (Public Facilities and Public Improvements)

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Table listing the statutory citations and regulatory citations for infrastructure activities (public facilities and public improvements). The table has two columns. The first column lists statutory citations, and the second column lists regulatory citations. When you click on the image, it will open a new window displaying accessibility text details.

An infrastructure activity includes any activity or group of activities (including acquisition or site or other improvements), whether carried out on public or private land, that assist the development of the physical assets that are designed to provide or support services to the general public.  

For purposes of this requirement, an activity that falls within this definition is an infrastructure activity regardless of whether it is carried out under sections 105(a)(2), 105(a)(14), or another section of the HCD Act or a waiver or alternative requirement established by HUD.

Additionally, all newly constructed infrastructure that is assisted by a CDBG-DR funded infrastructure activity must be designed and constructed in a resilient manner to withstand extreme weather events and the impacts of climate change.

When proposing funds for infrastructure activities, the grantee’s action plan must describe:

For example:

Surface transportation, including roadways, bridges, railroads, and transit; aviation; ports, including navigational channels; water resources projects; energy production and generation, including from fossil, renewable, nuclear, and hydro sources; electricity transmission; broadband; pipelines; stormwater and sewer infrastructure; drinking water infrastructure; and other sectors as may be determined by the Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council.

  • How mitigation measures will be integrated into rebuilding activities and the extent to which infrastructure activities funded through this grant will achieve objectives outlined in regionally or locally established plans and policies that are designed to reduce future risk to the jurisdiction;

  • How infrastructure activities will be informed by a consideration of the costs and benefits of the project;

  • How the grantee will seek to ensure that infrastructure activities will avoid disproportionate impacts on vulnerable populations and create opportunities to address economic inequities facing local communities;

  • How the grantee will align investments with other planned state or local capital improvements and infrastructure development efforts, and will work to foster the potential for additional infrastructure funding from multiple sources, including existing state and local capital improvement projects in planning, and the potential for private investment; and

  • The extent to which the grantee will employ adaptable and reliable technologies to guard against premature obsolescence of infrastructure.

Typical infrastructure activities include the repair, replacement, or relocation of damaged public facilities and improvements including, but not limited to, bridges, water treatment facilities, roads, sewer and water lines, and storm water management systems. 

Incorporation of Green Infrastructure

HUD encourages CDBG-DR grantees to implement green infrastructure policies to the extent practicable. Section 502 of the Clean Water Act defines green infrastructure as

  • "...the range of measures that use plant or soil systems, permeable pavement or other permeable surfaces or substrates, stormwater harvest and reuse, or landscaping to store, infiltrate, or evapotranspirate stormwater and reduce flows to sewer systems or to surface waters."

The incorporation of green infrastructure can be a cost-effective solution to help communities save taxpayer money on public infrastructure investments and become more resilient.

• Reducing flood-damage to homes and businesses;
• Improving water quality;
• Providing cost effective solutions;
• Increasing property values; and
• Reducing impervious surfaces.

Elements of green infrastructure that can be integrated into a community, from small-scale elements to larger scale elements.

• Downspout Disconnection
• Rainwater Harvesting
• Rain Gardens
• Planter Boxes
• Bioswales
• Permeable Pavements
• Green Streets and Alleys
• Green Parking
• Green Roofs
• Urban Tree Canopy
• Land Conservation

Additionally, green infrastructure strategies are often most effective when they are coordinated at a regional scale. Therefore, partnerships and community engagement are critical when planning to pursue green infrastructure activities.  

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A Guide on How CDBG-DR Grantees Can Meet the Requirements of the Consolidated Notice